Treatment story for HIV positive singles: Trying to survive and fight through the struggle

Here is HIV treatment story from a HIV singles who is suffering from HIV for 20 years, please check and find useful tips for you to fight with HIV/AIDS.

Details of my condition:

I was positive since 1997. I’ve never taken any drugs. Had night sweats, swollen glands, and weight loss before but it fluctates.I’ve taken herbs off and on in the last 9 years. Recently got alopecia areata, excema, skin rashes, and skin tags/boils.But I haven’t been on my herbs regimen. I’ve had fatigue and confusion here and there(but I contribute that to marijuana use for hunger). I may be a rare case (maybe not) but I know eventually I would need to take drugs to get non-detectable very soon. I’m physically feeling well but I would not want to be dying on a hospital bed. With all the herbs I take, I don’t know what my CD4 count or viral load is. But I do know from research and my personal experiences that has worked and “reverse” many of my symptoms,. God knows I hope and pray for a sero-negative status and not a “non-detectible”.

Drugs I take & Dosages:

2000 mg Licorice Root

1500 mg Oilve Leaf Extract

5000 mg Blackberry Extract

725 mg Decafiinated Green Tea Extraxct (capsules)

1000 mg Spirulina (capsules)

Multi-Vitamin but not your usual

1000 mg Vitamin C (capsules)

Bitter Melon 600 mg (capsules)

Andrographis 500 mg (capsules)

Alpha-Liphoic-Acid 600 mg (capsules)

Black Seed Powder (Nigella Sativa) – Not the oil

Neem 600 mg


All of these herbs on effeciancy, I would rate on a 4 to 8. I won’t state which counters which because I won’t know. But I know when I start taking these over 3 to 6 months, most to all my symptoms are reversed completely. And I look very healthy.I advise what really works is Olive Leaf Extract,Bitter Melon, Licorice Root, and Alpha-Lipoic Acid. They work really well. Blackberry,Andrographis, and Spirulina works moderately. They others have a slight effect or work in synergy with other herbs.

Side effects:

Drop of sexual drive, impotence, can’t get hard….Hmmm…Pretty much that’s it.

Other types of treatments:

I advise what really works is Olive Leaf Extract,Bitter Melon, Licorice Root, and Alpha-Lipoic Acid. They work really well. Blackberry,Andrographis, and Spirulina works moderately.

Advice to other members:

Take your anti-virals if you can afford them and stay on your treatment. I would suggest herbs are a good syenerigizer but will not get rid of the virus. At best, they may shoot your viral load down and deter HIV related symptoms but never believe everything you read on herbs. Some don’t work at well. Some work wonders. But please take your meds if you need to and use herbs as a amplifers.

For more HIV treatment information, please check which is a good site about HIV dating, HIV support, HIV treatment etc.