Is it safe to have oral sex if my girlfriend has hsv1 gential and I have hsv 1 oral . I’ve never had any breakouts or symptoms! I tested positive via blood test , my girlfriend was tested for everything including hsv and tested negative so I know she got it from me . Do we still have to use protection or no ?
The only way we can determine if your girlfriend has oral or genital herpes is for a doctor to see active outbreaks. If she took the herpes blood test then we wouldn’t know if the virus is oral or genitally. We do know that HSV-1 is usually oral herpes and HSV-2 is usually genitally herpes. Respectfully, if you have oral herpes she most likely carries the virus orally. It’s proven that up 80% of sexually active adults carry HSV-1 antibodies. HSV-1 is so common seem there isn’t a protective barrier from kissing.
If your girlfriend was diagnosed with genital herpes type one by having a doctor take a swab sample of an active sore, then I would say you wouldn’t catch the virus by performing oral sex on her. If you have oral HSV-1 and if she has genital HSV-1 the virus won’t spread to you orally. Seem you already carry oral herpes. “If” she wasn’t diagnosed with genital herpes from having a doctor take a swab sample of an active sore then I would say you absolutely could catch genital HSV-2 from performing oral sex on her.
If she had a genital herpes outbreaks then tested positive for HSV-1by a blood test that wouldn’t mean she would genital HSV-1. Sometime HSV-2 could go undetected. This very well might not be the cases.
I would really like to know how she was diagnosed with herpes so I could answer your question more directly. Either way it’s important to have safe sex. There are cases where an individual has an addiction STD and isn’t aware, seem STDs could go undetected.
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