I have found someone on PositiveSingles.com

We met in april,and in person person the end of June. We knew we were in love right away before we ever met, something just clicked.

We text everyday until we met and every day after. After our fist meeting which he had to fly from ohio to arizona for. We were already taking marriage. We were both mentally ready for a real lasting relationship. He moved out one month later and we got married in August. We are very happy and neither of us have been in a relationship with so much good communication. I think starting off limited to emails and texting really gave us time to develop a communication based relationship. The limited physical contact helped us focus on what really counts. We both had similar reasons for joining the site. And didnt exoect anything from it, but it turned out that curse we thought we had seems to be a blessing in that we found the love of our lives.
We are going on five months married now and plan on dying by each others side. We never would have met if we both didn’t get diagnosed and venture to your site for support. I’m very grateful for everything even though I thought this was the worst thing ever. Seems like god can turn everything out for our good even being diagnosed with hsv2. Thank you all for leading me to my husband I am truly blessed.
CatchingStarz , United States March 22, 2015
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