Herpes inspirational story: If I can help just one person …

I’ve said that for years and years now, through all of my trials and tribulations – If I could help just one person as a result of what I’ve gone through, then I didn’t go through this for nothing.

Little did I know, almost 10 years after being diagnosed, I’d finally get that chance.

I got a call from a very dear friend of mine letting me know someone very near and dear to both of us had recently been diagnosed with HSV2. And she was devastated. And ashamed. And embarrassed. And convinced her life was over. All the things I’d felt with my diagnosis, and I’m sure most of us have. My friend asked me if I’d be willing to talk with this person and offer to lend an ear, offer advice, just be an all-around support. I didn’t think twice and immediately offered myself as a reference, shoulder to cry on, anything she felt she needed.

After numerous conversations and more thank you’s than I can even count, I was almost happy I’d gone through all of this years prior, just so I could be there for her. She started out so scared, just like I was, and while I wasn’t able to take away her “gift”, I was able to help her to learn how to live with it.

That was one of the greatest gifts I could give, and I was grateful for being given the chance to be there for her.

Advice to other members:
While talking about HSV isn’t something I do on a daily basis, it’s good to talk about it in the right settings. It’s such a common affliction, so many people have it and may feel just as alone as we all did at one time. If you get the chance to support someone who’s newly diagnosed, please do so.

Society is cruel when it comes to things like this, and society is also ignorant about this. Knowledge is power, and it’s so easy to help someone in need, or in fear, to feel more powerful and more “normal”. And at the end of the day, it’ll make you feel great you helped someone out!

By ZoeJ, Queen Creek, AZ, United States|Herpes|Mar 28, 2017
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