Four things you should to do after be diagnosed HIV /AIDS

If someone was diagnosed to be HIV positive, he must be panicked and overwhelmed. He do not know what he should do but crying. You are not alone, according from experts’ suggestion, four things you should to do after be diagnosed HIV /AIDS.

1. After you are diagnosed take time off to evaluate yourself.

You will feel all kinds of emotions( loneliness, disappointment, ashamed, etc). The best thing to do is spend time with yourself until you are ready for possible rejection and then start the dating scene.

2. Don’t rush into anything and try to keep your feelings at a minimum.

You meet a guy/girl and they seem to be the one for you. Your in love and they are also. You have to set aside your feelings and tell them of you diagnosis. If they leave then they were not the right one for you anyway. Pick yourself up and try again, eventually you will succeed

3. Forgive

I took me a long time to forgive my ex boyfriend after he gave it to me and suddenly broke up with me. In order for you to be happy with your life you need to move on and let it go. It might seem like right now your life is in shambles but I promise you it will get better.

4. Don’t Settle for less!

Just because you have a disease doesn’t mean you have to settle for less. Find someone that lifts you up and supports you through the good and the bad. You don’t have to stay in a relationship because of your condition you can leave. If your partner is constantly putting you down and blaming you for your situation LEAVE, because 9 times out of 10 it wont get any better.

For more HIV support or HIV treatment information, you can check  and join to have a TALK with other positive singles.